Bulk Upload Images from Webpages

You can upload images from multiple webpages in bulk via the Bulk Webpage Capture dialog. Note that some webpages may require login credentials. Also, watermarking is disabled for bulk image uploads.

To upload an asset, you must be a project administrator. If you are using a custom project role, it must have the following permissions set to Yes:
  • Folder
    • See Folders
    • Edit Folders (name, description)
    • Add Content (Folders, files)
  • Asset
    • View Assets Tab
    • See Assets
    • Edit Assets
    • Delete Assets

To bulk upload images from webpages:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. In the Navigation panel, click Projects.
  3. On the Projects dashboard, click a project, and click the Assets tab.
  4. On the Assets screen, click Upload new assets .
  5. In the Add Assets dialog box, click Web Content Screenshots....
  6. In the Bulk Webpage Capture dialog, click Batch Copy/Paste.
  7. In the field, copy and paste your list of titles and URLs.
    Use the format:
    [asset title], [URL]
    [asset title], [URL]
    [asset title], [URL]
    Conceptshare Main, http://www.conceptshare.com
    Conceptshare About, http://www.conceptshare.com/about
    Conceptshare Teams, http://www.conceptshare.com/teams
  8. Click Add to List.
  9. In the Additional Parameters section, specify the values:
    Width Specify the image width.
    Height Specify the image height.
    Conversion Delay(s) Select a value.
    User Name Specify the user name.
    Password Specify the password.
  10. Click Add Webpages.
  11. In the Add Assets dialog box, specify the asset information for each asset and click Add.